heart rate monitoring
& tracking.

Presenting Nabd, a Heart Rate Monitor specially designed for Horses. Optimize and keep tract of your horse’s performance with this wireless digital tracker.

 Readings in a heartbeat. Highly robust too.

Quicker heart rate Readings are a touch away. Our product is designed to pick up accurate readings even minimal contact time.

Easy switch. Breezy installation.

Using Nabd is as simple charging your device and you will be ready to track you horse’s heart health. Features like Bluetooth to sync data with the cloud make switching to this smart solution easier.


Bluetooth enabled

Haptic feedback


 Portable by design. Ergonomic in thought.

The foldable arms of this device make this a portable device that can be easily stored. Research driven product design ensures the product is a comfortable fit for your hands as well as the horse’s throx.


Simple and non-invasive to use

How to use the device in a few simple steps.

